Workplace Injury Recovery
Treatment Plans to Get You Back on the Job
Unfortunately, work injuries are all too common. Millions of Americans suffer serious injuries in the workplace each year, accounting for over Unfortunately, work injuries are all too common. Millions of Americans suffer serious injuries in the workplace each year, accounting for over 900,000 work days lost to recover.

Missing work because of an injury can put a serious strain on your livelihood, not to mention your peace-of-mind. A majority of the 10 most common injuries on the job are those random incidents that can happen to anyone and at any time. If you suffer from one of these injuries, our physicians can help treat you and get you back on the job.
Same Day Appointments Available
I’ve Had a Workplace Injury!
What do I do Now?
Report it Immediately
First and most importantly, report your accident immediately. If your injury is severe enough to be an emergency, go to the ER for immediate treatment. After that, your employer will have designated medical providers for you to see.
Tell Your Doctor Everything
In your initial visit, and when seeking a second opinion, it is important to be honest and thorough about the nature and extent of your injury. Your doctor can then advise you on secondary or potentially delayed effects of your injury.
Getting a Second Opinion
If you have any concerns about the doctor’s initial diagnosis, it’s strongly recommended that you seek out a second opinion.
Listen to Your Doctor
If you’ve been advised of restrictions on your activity or ability to return to work, listen closely. This advice will help you make a full recovery from your injury. Engaging in strenuous activity or returning to work in spite of your doctor’s recommendation can exacerbate your condition and interfere with your ability to collect workers’ compensation benefits.