Welcome to SpineOne
Denver Spine & Sport Medical Center
SpineOne Believes You Deserve Urgent Care
for Back, Neck, and Joint Pain Relief
SpineOne has a very simple mission: help patients live pain free. We accomplish this mission by providing comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment plans that give you relief with as little physical and emotional pain as possible. And we do it all under one roof, which means no waiting for referrals, no travelling to a different location for imaging, and no delays for available treatment. Our goal is to give the highest level of medical and rehabilitation services to promote a successful recovery and help you live a healthy, active life.
Most of us will suffer through back pain in our lives. As a matter of fact, back, neck, and spine pain account for 30% of the doctor office visits each year. But the process of getting relief from back pain can often be long and complicated, involving various levels of referrals, appointment delays, imaging, and follow-up visits.
SpineOne was built with the idea that treatment decisions should happen between you and your doctor, without the delays or interferences that have become common in today’s healthcare systems. Our facility exists to offer a quicker solution so that you can get relief from your pain and enjoy your life.

Our Physicians
For the first time, I felt like a doctor actually cared. He was very easy to talk to and explained everything in a way that it all made sense.
Heather L